Tom Leykis Show News
Introducing: New Normal Studios. After looking at over 100 possible locations, New Normal Studios becomes a reality as Tom signs an agreement last Friday which he called "
the greatest day of the two years of The New Normal." It will be the home to Gary & Dino, New Normal Rock, New Normal Music and the syndicated New Normal Music: The Radio Show, Pure Pop Hits, The Tom Leykis Show, and whatever else we dream up. It will be, technologically, state-of-the-art. Dry runs for our content will begin at New Normal Studios on or about March 1st. In addition to producing our own content, we will, on an hourly basis, be producing other people's content as well: commercials, voiceovers, infomercial, demos and the like, and we will be undercutting the prices charged by others. If you have production needs, or if local brick & mortar radio stations or production houses are milking you dry, now's the time to let us know by writing info@newnormalnetwork.com. "In addition to producing our own content, we will, on an hourly basis, be producing other people's content as well: commercials, voiceovers, infomercial, demos and the like, and we will be undercutting the prices charged by others." |
First rack signing to christen New Normal Studios. Be a part of history. In March, following the completion of New Normal Studios, one lucky lady of legal age will be chosen to receive the first rack signing at our new home. If you or a delicious friend want your rack to be the first to be signed at New Normal Studios, please send us a delicious photo to
tom@blowmeuptom.com. Be sure to include your contact information. Professionals as well as amateurs are encouraged!
Win a free weekend in Monterey. The Tasting Room with Tom Leykis is giving away a free weekend for two at the incredible Monterey Plaza Hotel on historic Cannery Row in Monterey, California.Would you like to take someone for a weekend at an amazing hotel and pay absolutely nothing to do it? All you have to do to enter is to sign up for Tom's free Tasting Room newsletter. Enter your email address here and you are entered. Winner will be chosen this Thursday, February 9th.
Here is a way to support The Tom Leykis Show without having to hear so many commercials! You buy from Amazon anyway. Support The Tom Leykis Show and The New Normal by clicking to buy from Amazon right here.
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