Hello friends,
Last Saturday I was invited to speak at the 9th Annual UCLA Symposium - Center for Society and Genetics. The topic was Dog + Human, Co-Evolution. Made for Each Other?
This was a great opportunity to speak on behalf of so many dogs forgotten by society, the ones we fight day and night to save. I'm including a link to the video of my presentation here. Or simply click here.
I've also written an article on the topic of Canine Instinct vs. Human Emotions, the struggle, conflict and confusion. This article can be found on Black Belt Dog Training, or simply by clicking here.
I wish you a wonderful week and thank you for your continued support of this important work. We are making major strides through our educational and awareness campaigns and continue to save all of the precious lives through our Shelter Angel Videos.
I thank you and the countless dogs saved through Bound Angels thank you!
Best regards,
Robert Cabral - Founder
Bound Angels