Washington Whispers Reagan 'Threesome' Reference on E! Draws Protests

A new E! reality show featuring wives of rock stars is under fire from associates of Ronald Reagan after two characters who say they are haunted by his ghost fanaticized about having sex with the former president.

"If this skit was funny and Reagan were alive, he would have laughed at it. Trouble is, it is not funny, it's not creative and will be ignored by the decent majority of this country," Reagan biographer Craig Shirley tells Whispers. "The sickness and depravity which afflicts our culture has as its base camp Hollywood and that cesspool of a town makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like Bethlehem," he adds.

The raunchy episode of Married to Rock featured former Billy Idol guitarist Steve Stevens and his wife Josie, who claim to live in an apartment of the former president's, talking about being followed by the ghost of the Gipper.

In the most recent episode, Josie suggests Reagan's ghost has joined her in the bathroom. "How cool would it be if it's the ghost of Ronald Reagan!" she says. Steve agrees. "Any president is welcome in my home. The idea of Ronald Reagan, myself, and my wife having a threesome is so damn kinky, come on, I'm in."

At another point, Josie Stevens tells other rocker wives how she will lure the ghost with jelly beans and her breasts.

Joining in protesting the show is the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library. Executive Director John Heubusch tells Whispers that the show tried to take advantage of its link to Reagan. "The show made a request several weeks ago to film a piece of an episode here at the Reagan Library promising a respectful approach," says Heubusch. "We turned them down. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was a really bad idea."

And Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog, says, "This is beyond stupid, even by E!'s standards. This, we remind ourselves, is a 'reality' show. There is simply nothing more unrealistic and idiotic than this scenario. What an embarrassment for everyone concerned, except when you have no shame, you can't be embarrassed."

E! had no immediate comment. The episode was promoted on AOL's TV Squad
