Back to normal! We've moved beyond Halloween, refreshed and ready to party! Coming up this week, we've got the Redlight Fetish Party.
If your ready to get back into the swing of things, this will be an
incredible and intimate party, the perfect counterpoint for the madness
of the Halloween Fetish Ball. This month we welcome back DJ Lindersmash, and our guest DJ from the Apocalypse party: DJ Machinist. Don't forget we are offering $10 tickets in-store until 9pm on Saturday this month!
Masuimi needs your help!
Masuimi Max had her sultry and tantalizing "Black Widow vs
Human Fly" show at our Halloween Ball. We were all caught in her web
watching her, as helpless as the fly itself.
Unfortunately, the Black Widow left one of her legs behind. If you found it, Masuimi has a reward for you!
Free access to her site for a year, a signed Masuimi 2012
calendar, and a pair of event tickets to any regular monthly FF party.
If the shoe fits, don't wear it, it belongs to Masuimi. How is a girl supposed to eat her partner with only 7 legs?
Since Masuimi is constantly traveling, doing Masuimi-things, we ask that you contact us here at Fetish Factory, partyinfo@fetishfactory.com.
We know you're anxiously awaiting Halloween Gallery pictures on
the Fetish-party site. We're behind, due to the MASSIVE amount of
images that our photographers submitted to us. We're working on it
tirelessly, 24/7 (well from the hours of 11am-7:30pm). We expect that
they will be up by the weekend. Please keep a weathered eye on our Facebook, and on Fetish-Party.com for updates, we will announce when it is live.
Ego is always the second Saturday of Every Month!